Marketing for defresart.com

From a Novice Business Owner to being
fully booked for 2 weeks ahead
  • 106


  • 2836
    Website visitors/month
  • 42
    Reviews on Google
Point A
Where we started
  • Garance was an employed massage specialist in 2021
  • She desired to open her own massage studio business, gain more independence and income
  • Her only clients outside of work were her friends
  • To work full-time, Garance required powerful marketing to kickstart her own business
Promotional Video
Promotional video increases landing page conversion by up to 80%.
Branding Photography

Branding photography that visually shows the massage services and the inside of the business.
Website & Booking System
Minimalistic, simple & efficient site to learn about the business and book online.

Google Maps Profile
Google maps helps business owners find customers in the local area.
Point B
Where we've accomplished
  • Garance is currently fully booked with her massage business for 2 weeks ahead
  • She is content with her lifestyle of running her own business, doing what she loves, and traveling oversea
  • Garance's Google profile receives 520 interactions every month
  • New clients come in every week to her massage business
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