Documentary Series

  • 31

    Days of filming
  • 10

    Youtube Episosodes
  • 1.1 + million

    total views
Why did you choose Pakistan for a documentary project?
Pakistan is a country with a very vibrant culture, it's full of life. People are happy to come to you and share their stories. Famous for its hospitality, this country will never leave a traveller hungry or in solitude. Pakistan is not for beginners, but the experience of creating a big filmmaking project there is exceptionally rewarding.

What is the project about?

With 10 episodes having each a topic of their own, the overarching theme is culture. We cover a range of intricacies like wild Sufi ceremonies, remote desert village traditions as well as local food and no-need-to-wake-up-tomorrow driving.

Did you film alone or did you have a team?

I (Iryna Yaminska) produced and mostly filmed the project, however, I always had local people helping me on set, with translations and connecting me to local scenes.

What was your favourite moment?

My favourite moment was towards the end of the journey, filming in the desert of Thall. Dancing with gipsies and travelling to areas no foreigners have been to was truly a special experience.
  • Millions of people reached
    The project gained more than 1.1 million views on YouTube and more than 5.5 million views on Instagram.
  • Showing alternative perspective
    Pakistan is often portrayed as a vile terrorist country dangerous for travellers, and this documentary project shows an authentic, unfiltered perspective.
  • Brought positive change to at least one human
    We managed to put 10-year-old child working on streets of Peshawar though school (education was his dream).
  • Educating people on culture
    There's so much to learn from people that you've never met, and you can transform yourself to a different world simply by watching documentary.

Highlight Episodes
Helping street kids of Peshawar to make their dream come true

Given the alarming statistics indicating that over 3 million children in Pakistan are working on the streets without access to education, I conceived the idea of locating these children in the streets of Peshawar and assisting them in achieving their dreams, whatever they may be.
Travelling to remote desert of Thall | Gypsy Dancing & Underage Wedding

Welcome to one of the most under-explored regions of Pakistan — the Thal Desert. We will discover local traditions, visit a marriage in a desert, hang out with the gipsy tribe and have a chat with truck drivers.

This episode made big news in the local community. Capturing such remote location was unheard of in Pakistan.
Why did I travel to Pakistan alone?

A personal journey of making this project happen, all the way from the start to the finish line.